
Automatic Animation

GeoGebra allows you to animate not only free numbers and/or angles at the same time, but also dependent points that are constrained on an object (segment, line, function, curve, etc.). In order to be automatically animated, free numbers / angles need to be shown as sliders in the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View.

If you want to animate a free number or angle in GeoGebra, as well as a dependent point, you need to select Animation On in the Context Menu of that number, angle or point. In order to stop the animation, you need to un-check Animation On in the same context menu.

After animating a free number, a free angle or a dependent point, an animation button appears in the lower left corner of the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View. It allows you to either Nav pause circle.svg pause or Nav play circle.svg continue an animation.

In the Menu-options.svg Properties Dialog on tab Slider you can change the behavior of the animation:

On the one hand, you may control the Speed of the animation.

A speed of 1 means that the animation takes about 10 seconds to run once through the interval of the slider.

On the other hand, you can decide how the animation cycle is repeated:


The animation cycle alternates between Decreasing and Increasing.


The slider value is always increasing. After reaching the maximum value of the slider, it jumps back to the minimum value and continues the animation.


The slider value is always decreasing. After reaching the minimum value of the slider, it jumps back to the maximum value and continues the animation.

Increasing (Once)

The slider value is always increasing. After reaching the maximum value of the slider, it stops at this value and ends the animation.

while an automatic animation is activated, GeoGebra remains fully functional. This allows you to make changes to your construction while the animation is playing.

Manual Animation

To manually change a number, angle or point position continuously, select the Mode move.svgMove Tool. Then, click on a free number, angle or a dependent point and press either the + or key or the arrow keys on you keyboard. Keeping one of these keys pressed allows you to produce manual animations.

If the point coordinates depend on a number t like in P = (2 t, t), the point will move along a straight line when t is changed continuously.

You can adjust the increment of the slider on tab Slider of the Menu-options.svg Properties Dialog of this object.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Shift + arrow key gives you a step width of 0.1 units

  • Ctrl + arrow key gives you a step width of 10 units

  • Alt + arrow key gives you a step width of 100 units

A point on a line can also be moved along that line using the + or key.