File Menu

GeoGebra Web and Tablet App Version

Menu-file-new.svg New

Opens a new and empty user interface in the same window.

You are asked if you would like to save the existing construction before opening the new user interface.

Menu-file-open.svg Open

Allows you to open a GeoGebra worksheet (file name extension GGB) that is saved on GeoGebra or on your computer.

In order to open a GeoGebra file you can also drag it to the GeoGebra window and drop it there.

Menu-file-save.svg Save

Allows you to save your current construction on your GeoGebra account.

Menu-file-share.svg Share

Uploads your worksheet directly to GeoGebra.

Menu-file-export.svg Export

Offers several export possibilities:

  • ggb

  • png

  • Animated GIF

GeoGebra Desktop Version

Menu New.png New Window

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + N (MacOS: Cmd + N)

Opens a new GeoGebra window that uses the default settings of the GeoGebra user interface.

If you change and save some of these settings, the new GeoGebra window will open using your customized settings.


Opens a new and empty user interface in the same GeoGebra window. You are asked if you would like to save the existing construction before opening the new user interface.

Menu Open.png Open…​

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + O (MacOS: Cmd + O)

Opens a GeoGebra worksheet (file name extension GGB), GeoGebra tool (file name extension GGT) or dynamic worksheet (HTM or HTML file produced by GeoGebra) that is saved on your computer.

It also allows you to open and insert a GeoGebra file in another one.

In order to open a GeoGebra file you can also drag it to the GeoGebra window and drop it there.

Menu Open.png Open from GeoGebra…​

Opens the GeoGebra Web page, our collection of free materials, in which you can select and open a file into your GeoGebra window by double-clicking it.

Open Recent (submenu)

Lists up to eight recently opened files.

Menu Save.png Save

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + S (MacOS: Cmd + S)

Allows you to save your current construction as a GeoGebra file (file name extension GGB) on your computer.

If the file was saved before, this menu item overwrites the old file by using the same file name.

Save as…​

Allows you to save your current construction as a GeoGebra file (file name extension GGB). You will be asked to enter a new name for your GeoGebra file before it is saved on your computer.

Export small.png Share

Lets you upload your worksheet directly to GeoGebra, see also Dynamic Worksheet as Webpage (html)…​ .

Export (submenu)

Offers several export possibilities:

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + P (MacOS: Cmd + P)

Opens the Print Preview window for the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View. You may specify Title, Author, Date and the Scale of your printout (in cm).

Press Enter after a change is made in order to update the preview of your printout.

Menu Close.png Close

Keyboard shortcut: Alt + F4 (MacOS: Cmd + W)

Closes the GeoGebra window. If you didn’t save your construction prior to selecting Close, you are asked if you would like to do so.