GeoGebra 5.0 Desktop vs. Web and Tablet App

One Software in Different Packages

Depending on your hardware and preferences, you can currently choose between two versions of GeoGebra 5.0, Download-icons-device-screen.png 5.0 Desktop and the Download-icons-device-tablet.png 5.0 Web and Tablet Apps. While all versions provide the full power of GeoGebra, their user interfaces are slightly different. Please check the Supported devices page for further information about running GeoGebra on different devices.


Download-icons-device-screen.png GeoGebra 5.0 Desktop


Download-icons-device-tablet.png GeoGebra 5.0 Web and Tablet Apps

Selecting a Perspective

When you open Download-icons-device-screen.png GeoGebra 5.0 Desktop on your computer, by default the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra Perspective is displayed, consisting of the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View, the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View, and the Input Bar at the bottom of the screen. You may switch to another Perspective at any time by clicking on the arrow on the right side of the GeoGebra window and selecting the Perspective you want from the Perspectives sidebar.

When you open the Download-icons-device-tablet.png GeoGebra 5.0 Web and Tablet Apps, the Perspectives Start Screen appears, allowing you to select the Perspective that best fits the mathematical topic you want to work with. You can switch to another Perspective at any time by clicking on the Menu-button-open-menu.svg Menu button in the upper right corner of the GeoGebra window and selecting the Perspective you want from the Perspectives.svg Perspectives menu.


Download-icons-device-screen.png GeoGebra 5.0 Desktop


Download-icons-device-tablet.png GeoGebra 5.0 Web and Tablet Apps


In Download-icons-device-screen.png GeoGebra 5.0 Desktop the Menubar is displayed at the top of the GeoGebra window.

In the Download-icons-device-tablet.png GeoGebra 5.0 Web and Tablet Apps you need to select the Menu-button-open-menu.svg Menu button in the upper right corner of the GeoGebra window in order to open the Menu.

Input Bar and Input Field

In Download-icons-device-screen.png GeoGebra 5.0 Desktop, the Input Bar is displayed at the bottom of the GeoGebra window by default. This can be changed by clicking on the Menu-options.svg Preferences button and selecting the Menu-perspectives.svg Layout option.

In the Download-icons-device-tablet.png GeoGebra 5.0 Web and Tablet Apps, an Input Field is integrated in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View. However, you may display the Input Bar using the Menu-view.svg View menu. Just select the Menu-button-open-menu.svg Menu button in the upper right corner of the GeoGebra window and check Input Bar in the Menu-view.svg View menu.

Style Bar

In Download-icons-device-screen.png GeoGebra 5.0 Desktop, select the object you want to change and click on the little arrow in the upper left corner of a View in order to open the Style Bar. If no object is selected, the Style Bar for the corresponding View is displayed.

In the Download-icons-device-tablet.png GeoGebra 5.0 Web and Tablet Apps, select the object you want to change and click on the Menu-button-open-menu.svg Style Bar Button in the upper right corner of a View in order to open the Style Bar. If no object is selected, the Style Bar for the corresponding View is displayed. Please note that a button to display additional Views in the GeoGebra window is also part of the Style Bar.


Download-icons-device-screen.png GeoGebra 5.0 Desktop


Download-icons-device-tablet.png GeoGebra 5.0 Web and Tablet Apps

Customizing the Layout of the User Interface

In Download-icons-device-screen.png GeoGebra 5.0 Desktop, you may use the Menu-perspectives.svg Layout option in order to change the positions of the Views and other user interface components (e.g. Toolbar, Sidebar). You may access the Menu-perspectives.svg Layout option using the Menu-options.svg Preferences Dialog or the View Menu.

In the Download-icons-device-tablet.png GeoGebra 5.0 Web App, you may use the Stylingbar drag view.svg Drag View Button in order to change the positions of the Views within the GeoGebra window. The Stylingbar drag view.svg Drag View Button appears in the upper right corner of each View whenever either the Perspectives Menu or the View Menu is open.

In the Download-icons-device-tablet.png GeoGebra 5.0 Tablet App, customizing the layout of the user interface is currently not possible.