Properties Dialog

The Properties Dialog allows you to modify properties of objects (e. g. size, color, filling, line style, line thickness, visibility) as well as automate some object actions using Javascript or GeoGebra Script.

How to Open the Properties Dialog

You can open the Properties Dialog in several ways:

  • Select item Menu-options.svg Object Properties from the Menu-edit.svg Edit Menu.

  • Right-click (Mac OS: Ctrl-click) on an object and select Menu-options.svg Object Properties from the appearing Context Menu.

  • Select the Menu-options.svg Properties button from the Style Bar (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps Version).

  • Select item Menu Properties Gear.png Properties in the upper right corner of the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Desktop Version).

  • Select the Mode move.svgMove Tool and double click on an object in the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View. In the appearing Redefine Dialog window, click on the button Object Properties (GeoGebra Desktop).

Organization of Objects

In the Menu-options.svg Properties Dialog objects are organized by types (e.g. points, lines, circles) in the list on the left hand side, which makes it easier to handle large numbers of objects. You need to select one or more objects from this list in order to change their properties.

By selecting a heading in the list of objects (e.g. Point, Line) you can select all objects of this type and then quickly change the properties for all these objects.

Modifying Object Properties

You can modify the Properties of selected objects using the tabs of the Properties Dialog window.

  • Basic

  • Text

  • Color

  • Position

  • Style

  • Algebra

  • Advanced

  • Scripting

Depending on the selection of objects in the list, a different set of tabs may be available.

Close the Properties Dialog when you are done with changing properties of objects.