Spreadsheet View

Spreadsheet View User Interface

By default, the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View is opened next to the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View. The Spreadsheet View Toolbar is displayed at the top of the GeoGebra window, with the Menu-edit-undo.svgMenu-edit-redo.svg Undo / Redo buttons in the top right corner.


Spreadsheet View

The Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View is part of the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet Perspective, although you may change the layout of GeoGebra’s user interface according to your needs.

Customizing the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View

The Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View can be customized according to your preferences by

In the appearing dialog window you may change the layout by choosing whether to

  • Show the Input Bar

  • Show Gridlines

  • Show the Column or Row Header

  • Show Vertical or Horizontal Scrollbars

In addition, you may change the behavior of the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View by

  • allowing Use of Buttons and Checkboxes or Tooltips

  • requiring "=" before Commands

  • using Auto-complete

Creating Mathematical Objects

In GeoGebra’s Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View every cell has a specific name that allows you to directly address each cell.

The cell in column A and row 1 is named A1.

These cell names can be used in expressions and Commands in order to address the content of the corresponding cell.

Direct Input, Selection and Commands

In the Spreadsheet Cells you can enter not only numbers, but all types of General Objects and Geometrical Objects that are supported by GeoGebra (e.g. coordinates of points, Functions, Commands).

To select non adjacent columns or cells in the spreadsheet, use the shortcut Ctrl + Click.

Relative Cell Names

If you copy content from one cell to another, by default all references are changed accordingly to the target position.

Let A1=1, A2=2. In B1 put (A1, A1). By copying B1 to B2 (either via Ctrl
C, Ctrl + V or by dragging the cell corner) you get (A2, A2) in B2.

To prevent this behavior, you can insert $ before the column and/or row of the referenced cell.

On Mac OS the Copy & Paste shortcuts are Cmd + C and Cmd

Input Data into the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View

Manual Entry, Commands, and Tracing

Besides manually adding entries into the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View cells, you may use the commands FillColumn, FillRow or FillCells. You can also enter data by using the feature Tracing to Spreadsheet.

Copy Data from the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View

With a simple drag and drop operation it is also possible to copy objects from the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View to the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View. If you drag a list, its elements will be pasted horizontally, starting from the cell in which you release the left mouse button or touchscreen. Pressing the Shift key while dragging opens a dialog window when the mouse button is released, allowing you to choose whether the pasted objects will be Free or Dependent, as well as to choose the vertical placement of the copied objects (check option Transpose).

Copy Data from Other Spreadsheet Software

GeoGebra allows you to import data from other spreadsheet software into the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View.

  • Select and copy the data you want to import. For example, you may use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl
    C (Mac OS: Cmd + C) in order to copy the data to your computer’s clipboard.

  • Open a GeoGebra window and show the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View.

  • Click on the spreadsheet cell that should contain the first data value (e.g. cell A1)

  • Paste the data from your computer’s clipboard into GeoGebra’s Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View. For example, you may select a cell and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V (Mac OS: Cmd + V) in order to paste the data into the highlighted spreadsheet cell.


Import Data Files from other Applications

You can also import data from other applications, if stored using .txt, .csv and .dat formats. Simply right click on a free cell of the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View, then choose the Import Data File…​ option.

GeoGebra uses the dot . as decimal separator, and the comma , as field separator. Ensure to check if your data file matches these settings before importing.

Spreadsheet View Toolbar

The Spreadsheet View Toolbar provides a range of Tools that allow you to create objects in the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View. Every icon in the Toolbar represents a Toolbox that contains a selection of related Tools. In order to open a Toolbox, you need to click on the corresponding default Tool shown in the Spreadsheet View Toolbar (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps) or on the small arrow in the lower right corner of the Toolbar icon (GeoGebra Desktop).

Spreadsheet Tools

The Tools of the Spreadsheet View Toolbar are organized by the nature of resulting objects or their functionality. For example, you will find Tools that analyze data in the One Variable Analysis Tool Data Analysis Toolbox.

Display of Mathematical Objects

Display of Spreadsheet Objects in other Views

If possible, GeoGebra immediately displays the graphical representation of the object you entered in a Spreadsheet Cell in the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View as well. Thereby, the name of the object matches the name of the Spreadsheet Cell used to initially create it (e.g. A5, C1).

By default, Spreadsheet Objects are classified as Auxiliary Objects in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View. You can show or hide these Auxiliary Objects by selecting Auxiliary Objects from the Context Menu or by clicking on the Stylingbar algebraview auxiliary objects.svg icon in the Algebra View Style Bar

Using Spreadsheet Data in other Views

You may process the Spreadsheet Data by selecting multiple cells and right-clicking (Mac OS: Cmd-clicking) on the selection. In the appearing Context Menu, choose the submenu Create and select the appropriate option (List, List of points, Matrix, Table, Polyline and Operation table).

Operation Table

For a function with two parameters you can create an Operation Table with values of the first parameter written in the top row and values of second parameter written in the left column. The function itself must be entered in the top left cell.

After entering the function and the parameter values in the appropriate cells, select the rectangular area of the desired Operation Table with the mouse. Then, right click (Mac OS: Cmd-click) on the selection and choose option Create > Operation Table of the appearing Context Menu.

Let A1 = x y, A2 = 1, A3 = 2, A4 = 3, B1 = 1, C1 = 2 and D1 = 3. Select cells A1:D4 with the mouse. Then, right click (Mac OS: Cmd-click) on the selection and choose Create > Operation Table in the Context Menu to create a table containing the results of substitution of the inserted values in the given function.

Spreadsheet View Style Bar

The Spreadsheed View Style Bar provides buttons to

  • show / hide the Input Bar (GeoGebra Desktop)

  • change the text style to Stylingbar text bold.svg bold or Stylingbar text italic.svg italic

  • set the text alignment to Stylingbar spreadsheet align left.svg left, Stylingbar spreadsheet align center.svg center, or Stylingbar spreadsheet align right.svg right

  • change the Stylingbar color white.svg background color of a cell

  • change the cell borders (GeoGebra Desktop)

  • open the Menu-options.svg Properties Dialog (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps)

  • display additional Stylingbar dots.svg Views in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps)