AttachCopyToView Command

AttachCopyToView( <Object>, <View 0|1|2> )

If View = 0, a copy of given object is created. For View = 1 or View = 2 this command creates a dependent copy of given object whose size in given Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View is constant.

Let poly = Polygon((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)). If Graphics View 1 is active, AttachCopyToView(poly, 1) creates a square with the same size at the same position.

AttachCopyToView( <Object>, <View 0|1|2>, <Point 1>, <Point 2>, <Screen Point 1>, <Screen Point 2> )

If View = 0, a copy of given object is created. For View = 1 or View = 2 this command creates a dependent copy of given object whose size in given Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View is transformed using the affine transform that maps Point 1 to a point whose screen coordinates (in pixels) are equal to Screen Point 1, and Point 2 to a point with screen coordinates equal to Screen Point 2.

Let poly = Polygon((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)). If Graphics View 1 is active, AttachCopyToView(poly, 1, (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 0), (100, 100)) creates a 100px x 100px square in the top left corner of the Graphics View.

Once the copy is created, three other arguments are added to the command definition.

All points of the object are copied, even if they lie outside the view.