CountIf Command

CountIf( <Condition>, <List> )

Counts the number of elements in the list satisfying the condition.

  • CountIf(x < 3, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) gives you the number 2.

  • CountIf(x < 3, A1:A10), where A1:A10 is a range of cells in the spreadsheet, counts all cells whose values are less than 3.

For list of numbers arbitrary condition may be used. For list of other objects one can use only conditions of the form x==constant or x!=constant.

CountIf( <Condition>, <Variable>, <List> )

As above, using a more flexible syntax.

Given points P, Q, R CountIf(x(A) < 3, A, {P, Q, R}) will count only the points whose x-coordinate is less than 3. The variable A is replaced in turn with P then Q then R for the check. Therefore CountIf(x(A) < 3, A, {(0, 1), (4, 2), (2, 2)}) yields the number 2.