Curvature Command

Curvature( <Point>, <Function> )

Calculates the curvature of the function in the given point.

Curvature((0 ,0), x^2) yields 2.

Curvature( <Point>, <Curve> )

Calculates the curvature of the curve in the given point.

Curvature((0, 0), Curve(cos(t), sin(2t), t, 0, π)) yields 0.

Curvature( <Point>, <Object> )

Yields the curvature of the object (function, curve, conic) in the given point.


  • Curvature((0 ,0), x^2) yields 2

  • Curvature((0, 0), Curve(cos(t), sin(2t), t, 0, π)) yields 0

  • Curvature((-1, 0), Conic({1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3})) yields 2