Execute Command

Execute( <List of Texts> )

Executes list of commands entered as texts.

Please note that you always need to use English (US) commands within this list of texts, no matter which language option you selected for GeoGebra.


  • Execute({"A=(1,1)","B=(3,3)","C = Midpoint(A, B)"}) creates points A, B and their midpoint C.

  • Execute(Join({"f_{1} = 1", "f_{2} = 1"}, Sequence("f_{"+(i + 2) + "} = f_{" + (i+1) + "} + f_{"+ i +"}", i, 1, 10))) creates first 10 elements of Fibonacci sequence.

Execute( <List of Texts>, <Parameter>, …​ , <Parameter> )

Replaces %1 for the first parameter, %2 for the second parameter and so on in each text in list. Up to 9 parameters can be specified. After the replacement, resulting scripts are executed.

Execute({"Segment(%1,%2)","Midpoint(%1,%2)"}, A, B) creates the segment AB and its midpoint.

If you need to use a quote (") then you can use UnicodeToLetter(34)

Command names must be in English (US) in the texts for this command to work.