IntegralBetween Command

IntegralBetween( <Function>, <Function>, <Number>, <Number> )

Gives the definite integral of the difference f(x) ‐ g(x) of two function f and g over the interval [a, b], where a is the first number and b the second, with respect to the main variable.

IntegralBetween(sin(x), cos(x), 0, pi)

IntegralBetween( <Function>, <Function>, <Number>, <Number>, <Boolean Evaluate> )

Gives the definite integral of the difference f(x) ‐ g(x) of two function f and g over the interval [a, b], where a is the first number and b the second, with respect to the main variable and shadows the related area if Evaluate is true. In case Evaluate is false the related area is shaded but the integral value is not calculated.

This command also shades the area between the function graphs of f and g.

CAS Syntax

IntegralBetween( <Function>, <Function>, <Number>, <Number> )

Gives the definite integral of the difference f(x) ‐ g(x) of two function f and g over the interval [a, b], where a is the first number and b the second, with respect to the main variable.

IntegralBetween(sin(x), cos(x), pi / 4, pi * 5 / 4) yields \(2 \sqrt{2}\).

IntegralBetween( <Function>, <Function>, <Variable>, <Number>, <Number> )

Gives the definite integral of a variable of the difference f(x) ‐ g(x) of two function f and g over the interval [a, b], where a is the first number and b the second, with respect to the given variable.

IntegralBetween(a * sin(t), a * cos(t), t, pi / 4, pi * 5 / 4) yields \(2 \sqrt{2} a\).