IsFactored Command

IsFactored( <Polynomial> )

Returns ''true'' if the polynomial is factored in \(\mathbb Q\) and ''false'' otherwise. In general, in order to consider a polynomial decomposition as factored, the coefficient of the leading term of each factor needs to be positive.

  • IsFactored(x) yields true

  • IsFactored(0.5) yields true

  • IsFactored(5) yields true

  • IsFactored(x^2-1) yields false

  • IsFactored(x^2-2) yields true

  • IsFactored(x(x+1)) yields true

  • IsFactored(x(2x+2)) yields false

  • IsFactored(x^3-1) yields false

  • IsFactored(x(x/2+1/2)) yields false

  • IsFactored((x+1)(x^2-1)) yields false

  • IsFactored(-2x-2) yields false

  • IsFactored(2x+2) yields false