PieChart Command

PieChart(< List of Frequencies >)

Creates a pie chart using a list of frequencies. The whole pie gives 100%, the provided data is shown as pie slices.

PieChart({20, 15, 40, 5, 10, 20}) creates a pie chart with default center (0,0) and radius 3.

PieChart(< List of Frequencies >, < Center >, < Radius >)

Creates a pie chart with a given center and radius using a list of frequencies. The whole pie gives 100%, the provided data is shown as pie slices.

PieChart({20, 15, 40, 5, 10, 20},(3,3),5) creates a pie chart with center (3,3) and radius 5.

Select the Color tab of the Properties dialog window of the pie chart to choose among a wide selection of colors to customize each slice, and the Style tab to set the filling of each slice.