Relation Command

Relation( <List> )

Shows a message box that gives you information about the relation between two or more (up to 4) objects.

Relation( <Object>, <Object> )

Shows a message box that gives you information about the relation between two objects.

This command allows you to find out whether

  • two lines are perpendicular

  • two lines are parallel

  • two (or more) objects are equal

  • a point lies on a line or conic

  • a line is tangent or a passing line to a conic

  • three points are collinear

  • three lines are concurrent (or parallel)

  • four points are concyclic (or collinear).

Some of these checks can also be performed symbolically. If GeoGebra supports symbolic check for a certain property, the "More" button appears. By clicking it, GeoGebra may provide more information whether the property is true in general (eventually under certain conditions).

See also Relation tool.