Rotate Command

Rotate( <Object>, <Angle> )

Rotates the geometric object by the angle around the axis origin.

Rotate( <Object>, <Angle>, <Point> )

Rotates the geometric object by the angle around the given point.

Rotate( <Object>, <Angle>, <Axis of Rotation>)

Rotates the geometric object by the angle around the given axis of rotation.

Rotate( <Object>, <Angle>, <Point on Axis>, <Axis Direction or Plane> )
  • Vectors are not rotated around axis origin, but around their initial point.

  • When a polygon, segment, arc, etc. is rotated, also images of the vertices / endpoints and sides (in case of polygon) are created.

  • This command also rotates images.

  • For text rotation use RotateText Command.

  • See also Mode rotatebyangle.svg Rotate around Point and Mode rotatearoundline.svg Rotate around Line tools.