SetBackgroundColor Command


This command differs among variants of English:

  • SetBackgroundColor (US)

  • SetBackgroundColour (UK + Aus)

SetBackgroundColor( <Object>, <Red>, <Green>, <Blue> )

Changes the background color of given object. This is used for Texts and for objects in the Spreadsheet. The red, green and blue represent amount of corresponding color component, 0 being minimum and 1 maximum. Number t exceeding this interval is mapped to it using function \(2\left|\frac{t}2-\mathrm round\left(\frac{t}2\right)\right|\).

SetBackgroundColor( <Object>, <"Color"> )

Changes the background color of given object. This is used for Texts and for objects in the Spreadsheet. The color is entered as text, that may be:

  • an English color name (see /Reference:Colors.adoc[Reference:Colors]). Some of them can be also used in national languages and are listed below.

If you use this command in a GeoGebraScript, you must use the English color names

  • an hexadecimal string of the type #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB, where AA defines transparency (00 full transparency to FF full opacity), RR defines the red component, GG the green one and BB the blue one.

SetBackgroundColor(text1, "#80FF0000") sets the background color of exixting text1 as Red, with a 50% transparency.

SetBackgroundColor( <Red>, <Green>, <Blue> )

Changes the background color of the active Graphics View

SetBackgroundColor( <"Color"> )

Changes the background color of the active Graphics View

If you use this command in a GeoGebraScript, you must use the English color names

  • Black

  • Dark Gray

  • Gray

  • Dark Blue

  • Blue

  • Dark Green

  • Green

  • Maroon

  • Crimson

  • Red

  • Magenta

  • Indigo

  • Purple

  • Brown

  • Orange

  • Gold

  • Lime

  • Cyan

  • Turquoise

  • Light Blue

  • Aqua

  • Silver

  • Light Gray

  • Pink

  • Violet

  • Yellow

  • Light Yellow

  • Light Orange

  • Light Violet

  • Light Purple

  • Light Green

  • White