TrapezoidalSum Command


This command differs among variants of English:

  • TrapezoidalSum (US)

  • TrapeziumSum (UK + Aus)

TrapezoidalSum( <Function>, <Start x-Value>, <End x-Value>, <Number of Trapezoids> )

Calculates the trapezoidal sum of the function in the interval [Start x-Value, End x-Value] using n trapezoids.

TrapezoidalSum(x^2, -2, 3, 5) yields 12.5.

This command draws the trapezoids of the trapezoidal sum as well. * This command is designed as a visual aid so won’t give accurate answers if the number of rectangles is too large. * See also the commands: LowerSum, LeftSum, RectangleSum and UpperSum.