Zipf Command

Zipf( <Number of Elements>, <Exponent> )

Returns a bar graph of a Zipf distribution. Parameters: Number of Elements: number of elements whose rank we study Exponent: exponent characterizing the distribution

Zipf( <Number of Elements>, <Exponent> , <Boolean Cumulative> )

Returns a bar graph of a Zipf distribution when Cumulative = false. Returns a graph of a cumulative Zipf distribution when Cumulative = true. First two parameters are same as above.

Zipf( <Number of Elements>, <Exponent> , <Variable Value v>, <Boolean Cumulative> )

Let X be a Zipf random variable. Returns P( X = v) when Cumulative = false. Returns P( X ≤ v) when Cumulative = true. First two parameters are same as above.

Zipf(10, 1 , 5, false) yields 0.07 in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View and \(\frac{504}\{7381}\) in the Menu view cas.svg CAS View.