Move Tool

Move Tool in the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View

Drag and drop Free Objects.

If you select an object by selecting it in Move mode, you may…

  • … delete the object by pressing the Delete key

  • … move the object by using the arrow keys (see section Manual Animation)

You can also pan the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View by dragging the view’s background, while the Mode move.svg Move tool is activated.

  • If you are using the GeoGebra Desktop Version, then you can quickly activate the image:22px-Mode_move.svg.pngMove Tool by pressing the Esc key of your keyboard.

  • To move a Slider when image:22px-Mode_move.svg.pngMove Tool is selected, you need to drag it with your right mouse button.

  • See also Mode translateview.svg Move Graphics View tool.

Move Tool in the Perspectives algebra 3Dgraphics.svg 3D Graphics View

Using the Mode move.svg Move Tool in the Perspectives algebra 3Dgraphics.svg 3D Graphics View you may drag and drop free points. In order to move a point in the three-dimensional coordinate system, you can switch between two modes by clicking on the point:

  • Mode x-y-plane: You may move the point parallel to the x-y-plane without changing the z-coordinate.

  • Mode z-axis: You may move the point parallel to the z-axis without changing the x- and y-coordinates.