Move Graphics View Tool

Move Graphics View Tool in the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View

You may drag and drop the background of the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View to change its visible area or scale each of the coordinate axes by dragging it with your pointing device.

You can also move the background or scale each of the axes by pressing the Shift key (MS Windows: also Ctrl key) and dragging it with the mouse, no matter which Tool is selected.

Move Graphics View Tool in the Perspectives algebra 3Dgraphics.svg 3D Graphics View

You may translate the three-dimensional coordinate system by dragging the background of the Perspectives algebra 3Dgraphics.svg 3D Graphics View with your pointing device. Thereby, you can switch between two modes by clicking on the background of the Perspectives algebra 3Dgraphics.svg 3D Graphics View:

  • Mode x-y-plane: You may translate the scene parallel to the x-y-plane.

  • Mode z-axis: You may translate the scene parallel to the z-axis.