Release Notes GeoGebra 5.2

New Commands (postponed to GeoGebra 5.2)

  • SolveQuartic[ <Quartic Polynomial> ]

  • DensityPlot, syntax to be confirmed. Try DensityPlot[ sin(x)+sin(y) ]

  • MatrixPlot, syntax to be confirmed. Try MatrixPlot[\{\{0.9, 0.08, 0.03}, \{0.15, 0.8, 0.05}, \{0.25, 0.25, 0.5}}]

  • ContourPlot, syntax to be confirmed. Try ContourPlot[x2+y2]

  • Nyquist, to be confirmed

  • CompetitionRank

  • Polyhedron

New Command Line Arguments

You can get the command line arguments for the SingularWS subsystems by using --singularWShelp, namely:

--singularWS=OPTIONS   set options for SingularWS
  where OPTIONS is a comma separated list, formed with the following available settings (defaults in brackets):
     enable:BOOLEAN use Singular WebService when possible [true]
     remoteURL:URL  set the remote server URL []
     timeout:SECS   set the timeout [5]
     caching:BOOLEAN    set server side caching [auto]
 Example: singularWS=timeout:3

If you use command line arguments, make sure you allocate enough memory, eg: java -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -jar geogebra.jar Description of all /s_index_php?title=Reference:Command_Line_Arguments_action=edit_redlink=1.adoc[Command Line Arguments]