Metin Araç
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Grafik Görünümünde statik ve dinamik metinler veya LaTeX formülleri oluşturabilirsiniz..
İlk olarak aşağıdaki yollardan biriyle metinin konumunu belirlemelisiniz:
Grafik Görünümünü, bu konumda yeni bir metin oluşturmak için tıklayın.
Bir noktayı, bu noktaya bağlanmış yeni bir metin oluşturmak için tıklayın.
Bir metnin konumunu |
Ardından metninizi girebileceğiniz bir diyalog ortaya çıkacaktır. Bu metin statik, dinamik veya karma olabilir. The text
you type directly in the Edit field is considered as static, i.e. it’s not affected by the objects modifications. If
you need to create a dynamic text, which displays the changing values of an object, select the related object from the
Objects drop-down list (GeoGebra Desktop Version) or the tab in the Advanced menu (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps). The corresponding name is shown,
enclosed in a grey box, in the Edit field. In the GeoGebra Desktop Version, right-clicking on the grey box allows you
to select, if "Definition" or "Value" of the dynamic object is displayed.
It is also possible to perform algebraic operations or apply specific commands to these objects. Just select the grey
box and type in the algebraic operation or GeoGebra
text command desired. The results of these operations
will be dynamically shown in the resulting text, in the Graphics View.
Best visual results are obtained when using LaTex formatting for the formulas. Its use is simple and intuitive: just check the LaTeX Formula box, and select the desired formula template from the drop-down list. A variety of mathematical symbols and operators is also available in a drop-down-list (GeoGebra Desktop Version) respectively in a tab of the Advanced menu (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps Version).