XML tags in geogebra.xml

Following document was generated by a modification of xs3p stylesheet. It contains definitions of tags used in geogebra.xml, which is the most important part of .ggb files. For a brief introduction see XML reference. Explanation of XML-related terms can be found in XML Glossary.

Global Declarations

Element: algebraView

XML Instance Representation



show="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [0..1]

<collapsed> stringVal </collapsed> [0..1]


val="nonNegInt [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


Element: axis

XML Instance Representation


id="axisIds [1]"

show="xs:boolean [0..1]"

label="xs:string [0..1]"

unitLabel="xs:string [0..1]"

tickStyle="tickStyles [0..1]"

tickDistance="xs:double [0..1]"

axisCross="xs:double [0..1]"

positiveAxis="xs:boolean [0..1]"

showNumbers="xs:boolean [0..1]"


Element: euclidianView

XML Instance Representation



viewNo="positiveInt [0..1]"

/> [0..1]

<size> …​ </size> [0..1]


xZero="xs:double [0..1]"

yZero="xs:double [0..1]"

scale="xs:double [0..1]"

xscale="xs:double [0..1]"

yscale="xs:double [0..1]"

/> [1]


axes="xs:boolean [0..1]"

grid="xs:boolean [0..1]"

gridIsBold="xs:boolean [0..1]"

pointCapturing="pointCapturings [0..1]"

pointStyle="pointStyles [0..1]"

rightAngleStyle="rightAngleStyles [0..1]"

checkboxSize="nonNegInt [0..1]"

gridType="gridTypes [0..1]"

/> [1]

<bgColor> rgbColor </bgColor> [1]

<axesColor> rgbColor </axesColor> [1]

<gridColor> rgbColor </gridColor> [1]


axes="axisTypes [0..1]"

grid="lineTypes [0..1]"

/> [1]

<axis> …​ </axis> [2..2]


distX="xs:double [0..1]"

distY="xs:double [0..1]"

distTheta="xs:double [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


Element: euclidianView3D

XML Instance Representation


<size> …​ </size> [0..1]


xZero="xs:double [0..1]"

yZero="xs:double [0..1]"

zZero="xs:double [0..1]"

scale="xs:double [0..1]"

xAngle="xs:double [0..1]"

zAngle="xs:double [0..1]"

/> [1]

<evSettings> …​ </evSettings> [0..1]

<axis> …​ </axis> [3..3]


show="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [1]

<bgColor> rgbColor </bgColor> [1]


show="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


use="xs:boolean [0..1]"

show="xs:boolean [0..1]"

size="nonNegInt [0..1]"

/> [1]


type="nonNegInt [0..1]"

distance="nonNegInt [0..1]"

separation="nonNegInt [0..1]"

obliqueAngle="xs:double [0..1]"

obliqueFactor="xs:double [0..1]"

/> [1]


Element: geogebra

XML Instance Representation


format="xs:double [0..1]"

version="xs:string [0..1]"

id="xs:string [0..1]"

app="xs:string [0..1]"

platform="xs:string [0..1]"


<gui> …​ </gui> [1]

<euclidianView> …​ </euclidianView> [0..2]

<euclidianView3D> …​ </euclidianView3D> [0..1]

<spreadsheetView> …​ </spreadsheetView> [0..1]

<algebraView> …​ </algebraView> [0..1]

<keyboard> …​ </keyboard> [0..1]

<kernel> …​ </kernel> [1]

<scripting> …​ </scripting> [0..1]

<euclidianView3D> …​ </euclidianView3D> [0..1]

<construction> …​ </construction> \[0..1]


Element: gui

XML Instance Representation


Start Choice [0..*]


width="positiveInt [1]"

height="positiveInt [1]"

/> [0..1]

<perspectives> [0..1]

<perspective> …​ </perspective> [1..*]



ignoreDocument="xs:boolean [0..1]"

showTitleBar="xs:boolean [0..1]"

allowStyleBar="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [1]

<labelingStyle> intVal </labelingStyle> [0..1]


reverseWheel="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [1]


col0="xs:boolean [0..1]"

col1="xs:boolean [0..1]"

col2="xs:boolean [0..1]"

col3="xs:boolean [0..1]"

col4="xs:boolean [0..1]"

col5="xs:boolean [0..1]"

col6="xs:boolean [0..1]"

col7="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


useColors="xs:boolean [0..1]"

addIcons="xs:boolean [0..1]"

showOnlyBreakpoints="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


mode="xs:int [0..1]"

<variable> …​ </variable> [1]



show="xs:boolean [0..1]"

playButton="xs:boolean [0..1]"

playDelay="xs:double [0..1]"

protButton="xs:boolean [0..1]"

consStep="xs:int [0..1]"

/> [0..1]

<show> …​ </show> [0..1]

<splitDivider> …​ </splitDivider> [0..1]

<toolbar> …​ </toolbar> [0..1]


size="positiveInt [1]"

/> [0..1]


size="xs:int [1]"

/> [0..1]


timeout="xs:int [0..1]"

language="xs:string [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


javaLatexFonts="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [1]

End Choice


Element: kernel

XML Instance Representation


Start All [0..1]

<uses3D> boolVal </uses3D> [0..1]

<continuous> boolVal </continuous> [0..1]

<usePathAndRegionParameters> stringVal </usePathAndRegionParameters> [0..1]

<decimals> intVal </decimals> [1]

<significantFigures> intVal </significantFigures> [0..1]


val="angleUnits [1]"

/> [1]


val="algebraStyles [1]"

spreadsheet="algebraStyles [1]"

/> [0..1]

<coordStyle> intVal </coordStyle> [1]

<startAnimation> boolVal </startAnimation> [0..1]

<angleFromInvTrig> boolVal </angleFromInvTrig> [0..1]


digits="xs:boolean [0..1]"

labels="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


timeout="xs:double [0..1]"

expRoots="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [0..1]

End All


Element: keyboard

XML Instance Representation


language="xs:string [0..1]"

width="positiveInt [0..1]"

height="positiveInt [0..1]"

opacity="xs:double [0..1]"

show="xs:boolean [0..1]"


Element: pane

XML Instance Representation


location="xs:string [1]"

divider="javaDouble [0..1]"

orientation="nonNegInt [0..1]"


Element: perspective

XML Instance Representation


id="xs:string [0..1]"


<panes> [1]

<pane> …​ </pane> [1..*]


<views> [1]

<view> …​ </view> [1..*]


<toolbar> toolbar </toolbar> [1]


axes="xs:boolean [0..1]"

grid="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


show="xs:boolean [0..1]"

cmd="xs:boolean [0..1]"

top="algebraPosition [0..1]"

/> [1]


show="xs:boolean [0..1]"

east="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


Element: scripting

XML Instance Representation


language="xs:string [0..1]"

disabled="xs:boolean [0..1]"

blocked="xs:boolean [0..1]"


Element: show

Deprecated since 4.0, use perspectives insted.

XML Instance Representation


algebraView="xs:boolean [0..1]"

spreadsheetView="xs:boolean [0..1]"

auxiliaryObjects="xs:boolean [0..1]"

algebraInput="xs:boolean [0..1]"

cmdList="xs:boolean [0..1]"


Element: size

XML Instance Representation


width="nonNegInt [1]"

height="nonNegInt [1]"


Element: splitDivider

Deprecated since 4.0, use perspectives/perspective/panes insted.

XML Instance Representation


loc="nonNegInt [0..1]"

locVertical="nonNegInt [0..1]"

loc2="positiveInt [0..1]"

locVertical2="nonNegInt [0..1]"

horizontal="xs:boolean [0..1]"


Element: spreadsheetView

XML Instance Representation


<size> …​ </size> [0..1]


width="xs:int [0..1]"

height="xs:int [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


id="nonNegInt [1]"

width="positiveInt [1]"

/> [0..*]


hScroll="xs:integer [0..1]"

vScroll="xs:integer [0..1]"

column="xs:integer [0..1]"

row="xs:integer [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


showGrid="xs:boolean [0..1]"

showFormulaBar="xs:boolean [0..1]"

showHScrollBar="xs:boolean [0..1]"

showVScrollBar="xs:boolean [0..1]"

showBrowserPanel="xs:boolean [0..1]"

showColumnHeader="xs:boolean [0..1]"

showRowHeader="xs:boolean [0..1]"

allowSpecialEditor="xs:boolean [0..1]"

allowToolTips="xs:boolean [0..1]"

equalsRequired="xs:boolean [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


formatMap="xs:string [0..1]"

/> [0..1]


Element: toolbar

Deprecated since 4.0, use perspectives/perspective/toolbar insted.

XML Instance Representation


str="xs:string [0..1]"


Element: variable

XML Instance Representation



ranges="xs:string [0..1]"

/> [1..*]


Element: view

XML Instance Representation


id="positiveInt [1]"

toolbar="xs:string [0..1]"

visible="xs:boolean [0..1]"

inframe="xs:boolean [0..1]"

stylebar="xs:boolean [0..1]"

location="xs:string [0..1]"

size="nonNegInt [0..1]"

window="xs:string [0..1]"


                    ==Global Definitions==

Type: toolbar





XML Instance Representation


help="xs:boolean [0..1]"

show="xs:boolean [0..1]"

items="xs:string [0..1]"

position="nonNegInt [0..1]"


Type: algebraPosition


xs:string < algebraPosition (by restriction)



  • Base XSD Type: string

  • pattern = true|false|algebra