
Integration Examples

Interactive Visualizations


Integrations (API)


Embedding Options

To embed GeoGebra applets into your website there are two options: embedding them directly as div elements or using iFrame embedding. For the user both options look the same, though embedding an applet as a div element gives you more freedom to set various parameters.

Direct Embedding
The recommended way to embed a GeoGebra applet into your website is to embed it directly as a div element. Using div embedding enables you to change settings of your applet like the size of the app, showing or hiding the menu, disabling CAS and much more. To learn more about embedding options have a look at How to embed GeoGebra apps and activities into websites.

Iframe Embedding
An easy way to embed an activity into your website is to use iframe embedding. As iframe embedding isn't very flexible and isn't fully supported on iOS, we recommend you use this only if no other option is available. This can be the case e.g. if you want to include an activity into a content management system that accepts only iframe embedding (e.g. Moodle). To get an embedding code follow the steps described in How to embed GeoGebra apps and activities into websites.