Algebra View

Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View User Interface

By default, the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View is opened next to the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View. In addition, either the Input Bar is displayed at the bottom of the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Desktop), or an Input Field is integrated directly in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps). The Graphics View Toolbar is displayed at the top of the GeoGebra window, with the Menu-edit-undo.svgMenu-edit-redo.svg Undo / Redo buttons in the top right corner.


GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps


GeoGebra Desktop

The Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View is part of the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra Perspective, although you may change the layout of GeoGebra’s user interface according to your needs.

Creating Mathematical Objects

Direct Input

In the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View you can directly enter algebraic expressions using the integrated Input Field (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps) or the Input Bar at the bottom of the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Desktop). After hitting the Enter key your algebraic input appears in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View while its graphical representation is automatically displayed in the Graphics View Graphics View.

The input y = 2 x + 3 gives you the linear equation in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View and the corresponding line in the Graphics View Graphics View.


GeoGebra also offers a wide range of Commands that can be used to create objects in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View. Just start typing the name of a Command into the Input Bar or Input Field and GeoGebra will offer you a list of Commands that match your input.


Although the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View doesn’t have it’s own Toolbar, you can create Dependent Objects. Select a tool from the Graphics View Toolbar and click on any appropriate object in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View in order to create a new Dependent Object.

Create two points A and B, whose coordinates are displayed in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View. Select the Mode join.svg Line Tool from the Graphics View Toolbar and click on both points in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View in order to create a line through points A and B.

Modifying Mathematical Objects

You can modify the algebraic representation of mathematical objects directly in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View.

Activate the Mode move.svg Move tool and double-click a Free Object in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View. In the appearing text box you can directly modify its algebraic representation. After hitting the Enter key, both the algebraic representation in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View and the graphical representation of the object in the Graphics View Graphics View will automatically adapt to your changes.

If you double-click on a Dependent Object in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View, a dialog window appears allowing you to Redefine the object.

Display of Mathematical Objects

By default, mathematical objects are organized by Object Types in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View. In GeoGebra Desktop, you may use the Style Bar option Stylingbar algebraview sort objects by.svg Sort by in order to re-sort the objects by Dependency, Layer or Construction Order.

Note Hint: You can collapse or expand each group of objects individually (e.g. all points, all free objects, all objects on a specific layer) by clicking on the plus or minus symbol in front of the group’s name.

Algebra View Style Bar

The Algebra View Style Bar provides buttons to

  • show / hide Stylingbar algebraview auxiliary objects.svg Auxiliary Objects

  • Stylingbar algebraview sort objects by.svg sort the list of objects by different criteria

  • display additional Stylingbar dots.svg Views in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps)

Hiding Mathematical Objects in the Algebra View

If you want to hide the algebraic representation of an object in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View, you may specify the object as an Auxiliary Object. Open the tab Basic of the Menu-options.svg Properties Dialog and check Auxiliary Object.

By default, Auxiliary Objects are not shown in the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View. You can change this setting by selecting Auxiliary Objects from the Context Menu (right-click or Mac OS Ctrl-click), or by selecting on the appropriate icon in the Algebra View Style Bar.